What not to say to a single friend

The party season is upon us. With this comes meeting new people or old friends. Usually these conversations will start with standard and harmless chit chat and pleasantries. Then, before you know it, the interrogation starts. We have all been single at some stage, whether we like it or not. So how do we handle intrusions wanting to pry into our personal lives? For those of you non single people out there, here...

How to Spread a Little Happiness

When was the last time someone did something that made you happy? I ask, because a simple way to be happy is to make someone else happy. With our busy lifestyles it is easy to forget to be kind and generous to others. Some time ago, I was having lunch with a dear friend and my lovely godson, when a complete stranger came over to compliment the child and wish us all the best and then left. When we asked for the...

What Type of Friend are You?

The recent release of “Sex & the City 2” got me thinking about friendship. Good friends are not easy to find and should be treasured. Every friend offers something different which in turn makes you a better person. As we are all unique, can we categorize our friends into groups? As per a recent article in Philosophy Now by Dr Timothy Madigan, Aristotle divided friendship into 3 different types: ...

7 Steps to get over your Ex

Nobody enjoys a breakup. Whether the breakup was rough or amicable, it is not a pleasant thing. Whilst each and every situation is unique, there are general characteristics of a break up that apply. So the story goes something like this… You two break up (it doesn’t matter who did it). You panic and start chasing, pleading, phoning, texting, emailing. Chances are, you do something that will make you...

A Special Valentine’s Gift for You

Roses are red, Violets are blue, This Valentines’ Day, I’ll give flowers to you. I would like to offer you a special Valentine’s gift. The gift of information and knowledge. They say that knowledge is power so let’s cheers to your empowerment! I am fairly confident that you have received or given flowers at some point in your life. Do you know what each flower means? Traditionally, each flower...

Your very own Christmas Carol

Yes, it’s that time of year again and I find myself thinking about the real meaning of Christmas. Is it all about the decorations, the parties, the gifts, the cards, mulled wine, Santa, baby Jesus, turkey, mince pies, carols, family and friends? Christmas has many meanings for people. It can be a nostalgic time when people think about loved ones who are not present. Others rejoice in the opportunity to...

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