Posted by
Ana |
Jan 21st, 2015
Everyone talks about time management. How can that be though? We all have 24 hours in our day so what are we really managing considering time is constant? So it’s more about how we use the time we have rather than managing it per se, as it moves at the same rate for everybody. It is about organising all the activities we have to do in order to help us make the most productive use of our time.
Why do we struggle...
Posted by
Ana |
Nov 15th, 2014
Do you think it is important to keep a tidy desk? Is there any correlation between creativity, productivity and the mess on your desk? Many will say that a messy desk is a display of originality and a good imagination. This is of course an excuse. The reality is most will associate a cluttered desk with disorganisation.
Did you know that a messy desk can actually make you sick? In a survey carried out years...
Posted by
Ana |
Mar 1st, 2013
Do you spend your days wishing your week away and waiting for the weekend? You probably spend at least 40 hours a week at work. If most of this time is spent in a gloomy and solemn mood, except for that one hour before you go home on a Friday, it is time to do something about it.
There are a number of factors that can contribute to a downbeat environment at work. I have written about how to handle Bad Bosses...
Posted by
Ana |
May 6th, 2010
This is the best blog you have ever read.
Wow! What a statement. It will be quite difficult to live up to it. In addition to overstating my writing abilities, it assumes I know exactly what else you have read which is impossible. Essentially, I am destined to fail and disappoint you.
So, why would I set your expectations so high right from the start? Surely I am setting myself up for failure. If you have read...
Posted by
Ana |
Mar 17th, 2010
Delegating tasks can achieve a number of results, namely a decrease in work load for the manager and an increased sense of participation and involvement on behalf of the employee. So why do so many managers complain about being stressed and too busy and yet are reluctant to delegate? There are 2 main reasons; one is that it takes some time and effort up front to organise your work load for delegation, the other...
Posted by
Ana |
Jan 27th, 2010
If you manage a team you are probably faced with the issue of selecting team members and finding the best possible team. When we think about sports, there are specific numbers for different teams. A football team is always 11 people and basketball 5. However, when we consider the workplace there does not appear to be a set rule that determines the optimal number of team players. So how do you know if your team...