Is it important to say ‘Thank you’ at Work?

To thank or not to thank, that is the question. Thank you. Two short and simple words we say several times throughout the day to strangers for the services they provide such as making our sandwich, selling us the paper, etc. If it is so easy to say thank you to total strangers in their workplace, why is it so difficult to utter these same words to those we work with? Many managers would agree with one or more...

Seven Deadly Sins at Work

When you start a new job you sign a contract and are expected to follow a certain code of conduct. Most of us will comply to these rules and they include such things as being on work on time, calling in if you are sick, etc. Then there are some unspoken golden rules, the things that you should never do in the workplace. How many times have you “forgotten” to reply to an email? Or failed to return...

How to Manage a Micro-Manager

Are you being micro-managed at work? Have you ever been? Unfortunately, a vast majority of people have had to endure this type of manager. Bosses can be tough to deal with in general and the micro-managing boss is no exception. They can be especially difficult to handle if you are a creative and innovative person, keen to make your own mark in the organisation. Some people may describe micro-managing as meddling....

Does Your Job Define You?

What do you want to be when you grow up? A familiar question that gets asked to children resulting in some fabulously entertaining answers (I for one wanted to be a princess and a detective part time). As we do in fact grow up, we soon learn that this is one of the most difficult questions we all have to face. There are only a few people who as adults actually end up in their childhood dream job. Others start...

How to Complain about your Boss

Do you work with a difficult boss? Is your boss making your life miserable at work? Have you tried to address certain issues to no avail? Has the time come to escalate matters and talk to their boss or HR? These conversations are never easy and can cause anxiety so here are a few ideas to try to minimise your distress. Before engaging in this type of conversation, ask yourself the following: – ...

6 Ways to Handle Stress at Work

Are you stressed at work? Do you feel strained, anxious, worried and tense? These are just other ways of referring to stress. They all represent negative emotional states that are detrimental to your well being and it is important to know some preventative measures to manage them. Attitudes and emotions can be contagious and the better you control your own levels of stress, the better others will react to you...

How to deal with difficult colleagues

They say you choose your friends but not your family. Where do colleagues fit it? We spend more time with our work colleagues than we do with our friends or family yet we don’t really have a choice in who they are. You may become friends with some of them, admire a few and consider others decent co-workers. So what happens when day in day out you have to deal with difficult personalities? As with beauty,...

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