Posted by
Ana |
Mar 21st, 2015
When you start a new job you sign a contract and are expected to follow a certain code of conduct. Most of us will comply to these rules and they include such things as being on work on time, calling in if you are sick, etc. Then there are some unspoken golden rules, the things that you should never do in the workplace.
How many times have you “forgotten” to reply to an email? Or failed to return...
Posted by
Ana |
Oct 28th, 2014
Are you being micro-managed at work? Have you ever been? Unfortunately, a vast majority of people have had to endure this type of manager. Bosses can be tough to deal with in general and the micro-managing boss is no exception. They can be especially difficult to handle if you are a creative and innovative person, keen to make your own mark in the organisation.
Some people may describe micro-managing as meddling....
Posted by
Ana |
Sep 30th, 2014
Do you think you stand up for yourself? What does that actually mean? It is often said that we dictate how others treat us. In psychology terms, this is referred to as Personal Boundaries. If someone is a doormat, they will have “weak boundaries”. What this suggests, is that you are likely to a pleasant and amiable person, who is somewhat underdeveloped in the area of “pushing back” against...
Posted by
Ana |
Jul 16th, 2014
In general, most people know the basic rules for conducting a good interview such as dress appropriately, be punctual, sit up straight, be confident and focus on your expertise. However, what about what not to say? You may have a brilliant interview and say one major no-no which blows your chances.
Many candidates get nervous at the thought of going for a job interview. To relax the tension, remember that during...
Posted by
Ana |
Nov 25th, 2013
Need and Want – Take a look at these two four letter words. Their dictionary definitions are relatively similar yet they have distinct meanings. In economic terms, a need is generally referred to as something required for survival and a want is a desire for something now or in the future.
There is often a grey area between these two, so how can we decide if we want or need something? Many times, we confuse...
Posted by
Ana |
Oct 14th, 2013
Our brains make connectionss and links associated to labels and brands. People are no exception (think Jamie Oliver and Julio Iglesias!). We are all judged based on impressions, whether purely on appearance, a conversation or simply what you do for a living. Virtually every little action contributes to your personal brand. From how you dress, to what you eat, how you talk, etc. Personal branding is unavoidable....
Posted by
Ana |
Jun 8th, 2013
We all have a brand image. What does yours say about you? Put simply, a brand is more than just a name, it is what people associate with a company, organisation, product or person. A personal brand is no different, it is about what others would say if they had to describe you.
Think of a brand. Any brand. Now think of a few more. What did you come up with? Was it Nike and the little tick? Or maybe it was Google?...
Posted by
Ana |
Mar 1st, 2013
Do you spend your days wishing your week away and waiting for the weekend? You probably spend at least 40 hours a week at work. If most of this time is spent in a gloomy and solemn mood, except for that one hour before you go home on a Friday, it is time to do something about it.
There are a number of factors that can contribute to a downbeat environment at work. I have written about how to handle Bad Bosses...
Posted by
Ana |
Aug 31st, 2011
Have you just come back from a holiday? Are you suffering from post holiday blues? They say all good things come to an end and never has this been truer than in the case of holidays. However long you take off it never quite feels like enough. One day you are relaxing on the beach feeling the warmth of the sun on your skin and enjoying swimming in the sea. You have no care in the world other than what cocktail...
Posted by
Ana |
Mar 10th, 2011
I came across the Top 10 Most Ridiculous Laws from Around the World and it got me thinking about rules in general. Are rules devised to control the behaviour of each individual? What are the incentives to comply with the rules?
There are legal rules that we have to follow otherwise we are breaking the law and there are concrete consequences for that. Then there are general societal laws that are far more subjective...