Posted by
Ana |
Feb 12th, 2014
How do you see yourself? How important is self-image? Self-image is all about how you perceive yourself. It is a combination of impressions, thoughts and feelings collected over time. Your self-image can be different to how the rest of the world sees you and is closely linked to self-esteem. Self-image is how you see yourself and self-esteem is how you value yourself.
It is surprising how often we judge ourselves....
Posted by
Ana |
Jan 6th, 2010
Whether you decide to pronounce it as “twenty ten” or “two thousand and ten” the fact remains it is a new year.
I love finding patterns in everyday things and 2010 is a true gem. There are so many possibilities. Taking the numbers themselves as a basis, here is one example: 10 x 2 is 20 and we 10 fingers and 10 toes, which in turn are attached to 2 hands and 2 feet represented by...