Does Your Job Define You?

What do you want to be when you grow up? A familiar question that gets asked to children resulting in some fabulously entertaining answers (I for one wanted to be a princess and a detective part time). As we do in fact grow up, we soon learn that this is one of the most difficult questions we all have to face. There are only a few people who as adults actually end up in their childhood dream job. Others start...

What attracts us to certain people?

Did you know that mosquitoes are attracted to people who just ate bananas? Apparently this is because it is high in potassium and mosquitoes like it. So what attracts us to one person and not another? Surely it can’t be because of their bananas! Most people realise and recognise the symptoms when there is an initial attraction. Some call it chemistry and say it can manifest itself in many different ways; sweaty...

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