Is it important to say ‘Thank you’ at Work?

To thank or not to thank, that is the question. Thank you. Two short and simple words we say several times throughout the day to strangers for the services they provide such as making our sandwich, selling us the paper, etc. If it is so easy to say thank you to total strangers in their workplace, why is it so difficult to utter these same words to those we work with? Many managers would agree with one or more...

How to Manage a Micro-Manager

Are you being micro-managed at work? Have you ever been? Unfortunately, a vast majority of people have had to endure this type of manager. Bosses can be tough to deal with in general and the micro-managing boss is no exception. They can be especially difficult to handle if you are a creative and innovative person, keen to make your own mark in the organisation. Some people may describe micro-managing as meddling....

How not to Live for the Weekend

Do you spend your days wishing your week away and waiting for the weekend? You probably spend at least 40 hours a week at work. If most of this time is spent in a gloomy and solemn mood, except for that one hour before you go home on a Friday, it is time to do something about it. There are a number of factors that can contribute to a downbeat environment at work. I have written about how to handle Bad Bosses...

The Countdown is Over

I have a dream that one day training events will be more than uninspiring presentations, worthless chit chat and stale sandwiches. I have a dream today! That dream has become a reality. Now in its third year, Training Zone Live 2012 proved once again, to be an exceptional event and is quickly establishing itself as one of the most significant events in the diaries of L&D professionals. An event is only...

Countdown to a Special Event

This post is slightly different to the others in that I would like to discuss an upcoming training event in London where I will be the guest blogger. From the start, TrainingZone Live has been an event like no other. Having continuously evolved and improved, now in its third year, TrainingZone Live will certainly be another success. Those who have had the pleasure of attending in previous years know that this...

How to Complain about your Boss

Do you work with a difficult boss? Is your boss making your life miserable at work? Have you tried to address certain issues to no avail? Has the time come to escalate matters and talk to their boss or HR? These conversations are never easy and can cause anxiety so here are a few ideas to try to minimise your distress. Before engaging in this type of conversation, ask yourself the following: – ...

Carrot or Stick Approach?

Companies use several motivational techniques and tools to motivate their employees. These tend to be a combination of tangible and intangible benefits. Unfortunately, these attempts are not always successful and the workforce is not motivated. So what motivates employees? How do people differ in their motivational needs? Motivation is a core factor for a successful business and there have been many studies...

What makes a Bad Boss?

Does your boss motivate you? If you answered yes, then consider yourself to be one of the lucky few. Do you think your boss is arrogant, lazy, incompetent or plain useless? If this is your reality, you may find some consolation in knowing that unfortunately you are not alone. Having a bad boss is a major reason why many people leave their jobs. We are all different and respond to a variety of stimuli and management...

Does Size Matter?

If you manage a team you are probably faced with the issue of selecting team members and finding the best possible team. When we think about sports, there are specific numbers for different teams. A football team is always 11 people and basketball 5. However, when we consider the workplace there does not appear to be a set rule that determines the optimal number of team players. So how do you know if your team...

How to Plan and Run Effective Meetings

Throughout your career you have probably lost count of the number of meetings you have attended. Team meetings, department meetings, focus groups, workshops, you name it. Do you find yourself dreading your next meeting and see it as a waste of time? Well, you are not alone. It never seizes to amaze me how many meetings take place without any real purpose. Improving meetings is not about ordering bagels and coffee...

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