Posted by
Ana |
Aug 3rd, 2014
The party season is upon us. With this comes meeting new people or old friends. Usually these conversations will start with standard and harmless chit chat and pleasantries. Then, before you know it, the interrogation starts. We have all been single at some stage, whether we like it or not. So how do we handle intrusions wanting to pry into our personal lives?
For those of you non single people out there, here...
Posted by
Ana |
Jun 18th, 2010
Summer is officially only a few days away, the sun is shining, people are smiling and have a spring in their step. Everyone is out and about more, appear to be happier and more relaxed which in turn means conversations flow better. It is a wonderful time for romance to blossom.
With this comes the excitement and dread of the first date. First dates can be a both an awseome and uneasy event. Most people get...