Your New Year’s Resolutions

So here we are a few days into the New Year. Happy New Year by the way! Maybe you have had a wonderful start to the year, or maybe not. Maybe you made New Year Resolutions (and for the time being are still sticking to them), or maybe not. Maybe you love the month of January, or maybe not. Whatever your situation may be, the truth is that January 2012 is upon us. January was established as the first month of...

Your very own Christmas Carol

Yes, it’s that time of year again and I find myself thinking about the real meaning of Christmas. Is it all about the decorations, the parties, the gifts, the cards, mulled wine, Santa, baby Jesus, turkey, mince pies, carols, family and friends? Christmas has many meanings for people. It can be a nostalgic time when people think about loved ones who are not present. Others rejoice in the opportunity to...

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