Posted by
Ana |
Oct 28th, 2014
Are you being micro-managed at work? Have you ever been? Unfortunately, a vast majority of people have had to endure this type of manager. Bosses can be tough to deal with in general and the micro-managing boss is no exception. They can be especially difficult to handle if you are a creative and innovative person, keen to make your own mark in the organisation.
Some people may describe micro-managing as meddling....
Posted by
Ana |
Sep 30th, 2014
Do you think you stand up for yourself? What does that actually mean? It is often said that we dictate how others treat us. In psychology terms, this is referred to as Personal Boundaries. If someone is a doormat, they will have “weak boundaries”. What this suggests, is that you are likely to a pleasant and amiable person, who is somewhat underdeveloped in the area of “pushing back” against...
Posted by
Ana |
Oct 14th, 2013
Our brains make connectionss and links associated to labels and brands. People are no exception (think Jamie Oliver and Julio Iglesias!). We are all judged based on impressions, whether purely on appearance, a conversation or simply what you do for a living. Virtually every little action contributes to your personal brand. From how you dress, to what you eat, how you talk, etc. Personal branding is unavoidable....
Posted by
Ana |
Jun 8th, 2013
We all have a brand image. What does yours say about you? Put simply, a brand is more than just a name, it is what people associate with a company, organisation, product or person. A personal brand is no different, it is about what others would say if they had to describe you.
Think of a brand. Any brand. Now think of a few more. What did you come up with? Was it Nike and the little tick? Or maybe it was Google?...
Posted by
Ana |
Sep 28th, 2012
To write or not to write, that is the question.
How many of you keep a diary or journal? A few years ago I came across a couple of old diaries which I thoroughly enjoyed reading. My only disappointment was the lack of consistent entries, I wanted more! That prompted me to start writing again in the hope I will be able to have the same enjoyment in years to come.
Curious about how others felt about writing a...
Posted by
Ana |
Apr 1st, 2011
What do you want to be when you grow up? A familiar question that gets asked to children resulting in some fabulously entertaining answers (I for one wanted to be a princess and a detective part time). As we do in fact grow up, we soon learn that this is one of the most difficult questions we all have to face.
There are only a few people who as adults actually end up in their childhood dream job. Others start...
Posted by
Ana |
Mar 10th, 2011
I came across the Top 10 Most Ridiculous Laws from Around the World and it got me thinking about rules in general. Are rules devised to control the behaviour of each individual? What are the incentives to comply with the rules?
There are legal rules that we have to follow otherwise we are breaking the law and there are concrete consequences for that. Then there are general societal laws that are far more subjective...
Posted by
Ana |
Jan 6th, 2011
The beginning of a new year is filled with hope and expectations of what is yet to come. Whether you are firm believer that a new year is a new beginning or simply another page on the calendar, chances are you will be reassessing the past and planning for the future.
I am a huge fan of lists and love reading things like “100 Places to Go Before you Die”. Having read many of these lists I have learnt...
Posted by
Ana |
Dec 30th, 2010
As another year comes to an end, most of us will feel rather nostalgic about the past as well as excited about what the future has in store for us. Rather than trying to depart with my own words of wisdom, I have chosen one of my favourite lyrics to speak on my behalf. It is simple, inspirational and wise. Enjoy!
Everybody Is Free To Wear Sunscreen – Baz Luhrmann
Ladies and Gentlemen of the class of ’97,...
Posted by
Ana |
Sep 16th, 2010
Companies use several motivational techniques and tools to motivate their employees. These tend to be a combination of tangible and intangible benefits. Unfortunately, these attempts are not always successful and the workforce is not motivated. So what motivates employees? How do people differ in their motivational needs?
Motivation is a core factor for a successful business and there have been many studies...