Great Expectations at Work

This is the best blog you have ever read. Wow! What a statement. It will be quite difficult to live up to it. In addition to overstating my writing abilities, it assumes I know exactly what else you have read which is impossible. Essentially, I am destined to fail and disappoint you. So, why would I set your expectations so high right from the start? Surely I am setting myself up for failure. If you have read...

What makes a Bad Boss?

Does your boss motivate you? If you answered yes, then consider yourself to be one of the lucky few. Do you think your boss is arrogant, lazy, incompetent or plain useless? If this is your reality, you may find some consolation in knowing that unfortunately you are not alone. Having a bad boss is a major reason why many people leave their jobs. We are all different and respond to a variety of stimuli and management...

How to Make Difficult Conversations Easier

Difficult conversations are typically those that we know we should have yet keep putting off. They range from having to remind your best friend about the money they owe you, or telling your other half that you don’t want to have dinner with their family every weekend or trying to tell your colleague that they have bad breath. Why do we put these conversations off? We dread the reaction, we don’t...

The Power of Silence

Following on from my previous blog on How to Talk to Anyone and Start a Conversation, I thought it would be relevant to discuss the Power of Silence. Silence is very much like the ugly sister in the house of communication, misunderstood and underrated. Many people are uncomfortable with silence and view it as hostile and unpleasant. In the words of Charles de Gaulle “silence is the ultimate weapon of power”...

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