Your New Year’s Resolutions

So here we are a few days into the New Year. Happy New Year by the way! Maybe you have had a wonderful start to the year, or maybe not. Maybe you made New Year Resolutions (and for the time being are still sticking to them), or maybe not. Maybe you love the month of January, or maybe not. Whatever your situation may be, the truth is that January 2012 is upon us. January was established as the first month of...

What Rules do you Self Impose?

I came across the Top 10 Most Ridiculous Laws from Around the World and it got me thinking about rules in general. Are rules devised to control the behaviour of each individual? What are the incentives to comply with the rules? There are legal rules that we have to follow otherwise we are breaking the law and there are concrete consequences for that. Then there are general societal laws that are far more subjective...

20 Questions to Ask Yourself

The beginning of a new year is filled with hope and expectations of what is yet to come. Whether you are firm believer that a new year is a new beginning or simply another page on the calendar, chances are you will be reassessing the past and planning for the future. I am a huge fan of lists and love reading things like “100 Places to Go Before you Die”. Having read many of these lists I have learnt...

Resolutions or Goals?

How many times have you uttered the words “My new year’s resolution is…”? The end of the calendar year is still very much seen as out with the old and in with the new. New Year’s resolutions are well intended so gym memberships increase as do detox products. Personally, I am not a huge fan of resolutions. I do however, believe that goals are crucial. So what is the difference between...

Carrot or Stick Approach?

Companies use several motivational techniques and tools to motivate their employees. These tend to be a combination of tangible and intangible benefits. Unfortunately, these attempts are not always successful and the workforce is not motivated. So what motivates employees? How do people differ in their motivational needs? Motivation is a core factor for a successful business and there have been many studies...

Are You Successful?

How you answer this question is based on your interpretation of success. In order to determine whether you are successful or not you need to establish what success means to you. If you don’t know this then how will you know when you have achieved it? Virtually everybody wants success. This regularly translates to the next big promotion, a bigger house, a better car, the latest high tech gadget, etc. In my...

Clap your hands

Applause is generally done as a sign of appreciation and approval. Have you ever sat back and watched a group of people applaud? What did you notice? Imagine for a second that you are an alien with no prior social conditioning or understanding of our habits. I wonder what you would think, if all of a sudden a group of people started making lots of noise with their hands…Have you thought about why we clap...

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