What not to do on a First Date

Summer is officially only a few days away, the sun is shining, people are smiling and have a spring in their step. Everyone is out and about more, appear to be happier and more relaxed which in turn means conversations flow better. It is a wonderful time for romance to blossom.

With this comes the excitement and dread of the first date. First dates can be a both an awseome and uneasy event. Most people get a little nervous about a first date, whether it’s planning where to go or what to wear, there tends to be a sense of anticipation.

There is no question that initial impressions count, so, if you want to get off to a good start, here are a few simple tips to help you go beyond the first date.

6 Things to Avoid on a First Date

1- Wrong attire
This sounds obvious right? Wrong! Some people try so hard to look like they are playing it cool and don’t care what they look like that it scares the other person off. All they see is a sloppy person. Others go in the opposite direction and wear something that they think looks great and yet is totally uncomfortable. Looking and feeling your best will give you more confidence.

2- Only talk about yourself
You may be disappointed to hear that it is not alright to make the conversation revolve all around you. Resist the temptation to talk nonstop in an attempt to impress the other person. They will be more impressed that you want to know more about them. A conversation is a two way street so let the other person talk half of the time. You know all about you so find and more and learn about the person with you instead.

3- Too much information
Honesty is the best policy may well be true, but so is too much too soon! Remember there is a time and place for everything. A first date is not the time to spill the beans on your deepest darkest secret or sharing your most embarrassing moments. Keep it fun and light. If the relationship develops there is plenty of time to find out about all your skeletons.

4- Bring up the Ex
Less is more when it comes to talking about your past. We all have baggage but talking about your ex all the time indicates that you have not moved on. If you do say something about the ex beware as the other person will be thinking at the back of their mind that one day it could be them. People don’t like hearing about the exes even after years of dating so why do it on the first date? Focus on the person you’re with now, not the one you were with before.

5- Get drunk
Most of us have used drinking as a social clutch at some point or another. Most people drink a little to relax on a date and make things less awkward. Go ahead, no problem, just don’t get so drunk that you fall down the stairs, cry in public, start a fight and so on. Overwhelming consensus is that it is not ok to be drunk on a date. A cardinal rule of thumb is making sure you stay sober enough to remember everything the following day.

6- Fake it
OK, so we all want to come across in the best possible light. That’s fine. This is about trying to be someone who you’re not. As a simple example, if you go out for dinner and you are hungry and would usually order fish and chips, don’t go for the salad thinking it will somehow seem better. On the same token maybe stay away from super messy food! The point is to try and be as natural as possible. You want the other person to like you for who you are and not for who you think you should be.

Ultimately, have a good time and enjoy yourself. Even if there is no second or third date you at least want to be a fond memory rather than a bad nightmare!

What’s the worst date you’ve ever had? Don’t be shy…Sharing is caring.

Photo by Flickr user Szaqi

7 Responses to “What not to do on a First Date”

  1. Had couple of small problems viewing the website in Safari on the Mac, but I still loved the site.

    • Ana says:

      Thanks for the heads up re viewing problems. Could you please let me know what was happening? Glad you managed to see it in the end and enjoy it!

  2. bill hope says:

    This is by far one of my favorite post you have done, i disagree on some points but most of the points you made i can respect.

    • Ana says:

      Thanks Bill. I’m very pleased you enjoyed this post. What are your thoughts on the other articles on here?

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    • Ana says:

      Many thanks for your comments Fausto. I am really pleased you like my posts. If there is anything specific you would like to read about please do let me know.

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