I Love Me – Fall in Love with Yourself

People talk about falling in and out of love all the time. When was the last time you fell in love with yourself? If you are reading this and shaking your head, you should definitely read on.

If your partner had a bad day you would probably want to do something nice for them right? Maybe you would cook a lovely meal or run a bath, or anything you think they would enjoy. So if you would do that for your lover, when was the last time you did the same thing for yourself?

The most important person in your life is you. Call it selfishness, vanity, narcissism, egotism or conceitedness. If you stop to think about it, you are the one person who you have to spend every minute with. You are always there no matter what. Choosing to fall in love in with yourself is ultimately a powerful act of self love.

The bottom line is, if you don’t love you, how can you love others and have others love you? As Ayn Ryn wisely said, “To say ‘I love you?’ one must be able to say the ‘I’.” Would you like to create a lifetime of romance with yourself? Here are some tips…

Fall in love with yourself in 5 easy steps

    1. Tell yourself how splendid, sexy, fabulous, wonderful, magnificent and any other amazing adjectives you can think of to describe yourself.
    2. Continue creating a good self image by actually speaking out loud and saying full sentences to yourself about how superb you are.
    3. Ask people close to you what they love about you.
    4. Date yourself. Enjoy spending some time alone.
    5. Create a personal ceremony to celebrate your love for yourself.

The above may seem unnatural at first, but if you go through the motions these actions will become habits and become part of your personality and who you are. Falling in love with yourself is a very personal process that takes time. There is no magic wand or formula to make it happen overnight. It is an exciting journey of self discovery. Enjoy this loving relationship!

Photo provided by Flickr user Always Be Cool.

33 Responses to “I Love Me – Fall in Love with Yourself”

  1. tiago Beirolas says:

    excelente, são só estas as minhas palavras

  2. Tiago, muito obrigada! Fico muito feliz por saber que os meus blogs estao a ser tao bem recebidos πŸ™‚

  3. Thank you for this great post! It’s excellent quality. I have been reading your website for a a while already and it’s the first time I leave a comment. Keep up the great work and keep on delivering high value!

    • Ana says:

      Many thanks for your encouraging comments and apologies for the delay getting back to you. I hope you have enjoyed my recent posts. If there is a particular topic you would like to read about I would love to hear your thoughts.

  4. thats some great info thanks

  5. Thanks for finding the time to share this with us, just loved it.

    • Ana says:

      Thanks for your comments. I am really pleased you enjoyed it. Have you had a chance to read any of the other blog posts?

  6. Adan Sandra says:

    lolol where is a light beer when you want one

    • Ana says:

      How did you get on finding that light beer? Hope it was to celebrate after reading this post and not to commiserate!

  7. Marya Eiden says:

    This post is beyond awesome. I am always wondering what to do and what not to do so I will follow some of these tips.

    • Ana says:

      It’s great that you enjoyed this post. How have you been getting on implementing some of these tips?

  8. Thanks for making my morning a little bit better with this great article!!

    • Ana says:

      Thank you! I am delighted you enjoyed it. I hope you also like my other posts. Have a great day.

  9. Sari Rasbery says:

    Very nice article.. Thanks for sharing..

  10. cpalead says:

    I usually don’t post in websites but your blog drove me to it, interesting work..stunning!

    • Ana says:

      Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment on here. I am thrilled you enjoy this blog.

  11. Mel Imbach says:

    What you do is great – but more frequent updates, please?

    • Ana says:

      I am delighted you like this blog. I post new articles weekly. If there is a particular topic you would like to read about, please do let me know.

  12. I genuinely enjoyed reading this article.Thanks.

  13. Ana says:

    Shonta – Thank you! Have you had a chance to read any of my other articles?
    I hope you enjoy them too.

  14. Jani Onisick says:

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    • Ana says:

      Many thanks for your comments Luigi. Welcome to the site! I really appreciate your positive feedback. I hope you also enjoy the other posts on here.

  16. Katina Eynon says:

    Finally a smart blogger…I love how you’re thinking and writing!

  17. Excellent post I must say.. Simple but yet interesting and engaging.. Keep up the awesome work!

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