How to Spread a Little Happiness

When was the last time someone did something that made you happy? I ask, because a simple way to be happy is to make someone else happy. With our busy lifestyles it is easy to forget to be kind and generous to others.
Some time ago, I was having lunch with a dear friend and my lovely godson, when a complete stranger came over to compliment the child and wish us all the best and then left. When we asked for the bill we were told the stranger had taken care of it. This person had no ulterior motives or expected nothing in return. Had it not happened to me I may have dismissed this story as an urban myth. It was in fact, a wonderful act of kindness. It was so unexpected that I will certainly never forget it.

Happiness like laughter can be contagious. So what can you do to make someone else happy?

5 Ways to Spread a Little Happiness

1. Smile
Smiling is possibly one of the easiest and most effective ways of brightening someone’s day. People go about their business in a rushed way and don’t smile. It may just be that we are more fearful of strangers than before. Who knows? Try to smile at someone first and you will see that they will almost always smile back at you. You will both walk away feeling happier.

2. Surprise
Have you ever bought someone flowers or a little gift just because? Not because it’s Valentine’s Day, or their birthday or your anniversary. Just because you thought of them and wanted to do something out of the ordinary. Surprising a person for no particular reason is a brilliant way to brighten up their day.

3. Sincerity
Compliment someone with sincerity. Notice something special and tell them. It could be a good haircut, a charming smile, a gorgeous watch etc. This may sound obvious and straight forward yet it takes some nerve and practice to deliver genuine compliments. On the other hand, if you have nothing nice to say, best to keep quiet!

4. Spontaneous
Carry out random acts of kindness for strangers. It can be simple things like letting someone go in front of you in traffic, holding the door open, giving up your seat in the tube or bus etc. These little things can make a big difference to someone’s day.

5. Special
We all like to feel special. Tell someone you care about what you love about them and what makes them so fabulous. Remember children are people too and they love to hear they are adored. Having someone make you feel unique and extraordinary is a great way to cope with daily stresses.

I think the word happify should exist and we could all do with a little happifying from time to time. What happification acts have you experienced?

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Written by Ana Antunes da Silva.

Image by hale_popoki.

24 Responses to “How to Spread a Little Happiness”

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  4. Bud Nicolls says:

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  5. good!it’s very useful!thx!

  6. Jon Caito says:

    Thanks for the tip!

    I am going to add your blog to my list!

  7. Luigi Fulk says:

    I really like this article.

  8. Hello, this is my first comment. Perfect!

  9. Ana says:

    Muchas Gracias Jeanelle!

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  13. Bruce says:

    I would want to add another way to have happiness in daily life.
    Give your seat to someone else on the train. I did it yesterday and felt good for the rest of the trip.
    And the old classics like:
    -holding the door open for someone
    -telling someone when they’ve dropped something
    I guess the point is, helping other people really helps our daily happiness.

    • Ana says:

      Hi Bruce,
      Thank you for your comments and suggestions. I’m sure you made someone’s day yesterday as well as feeling good about it. Your classic suggestions are simple yet effective and will certainly make someone smile. I couldn’t agree more that by helping others you’re not only contributing to their happiness as well as your own.
      Your comments certainly made me happy!

  14. I found your blog on Google a few days ago and this is my second time back, I absolutely love it! Thanks for another good post.

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