It is all too easy to get bogged down in the day to day things in our lives and we often forget to take a step back and think about what is really important to us. We are faced with challenges every day.
Just remember, you are the PAINTER of your own life. You can design it however you chose to. Here are seven common items (one for each day of the week) you may wish to include in your Daily Survival Kit. Try it.
What have you got to lose other than stress?
To remind you to keep things simple.
Uncomplicated ideas and actions can be very effective.
“An apple a day keeps the doctor away”.
Take care of yourself and your health.
A tea infusion is a useful cue to take some time out to relax and unwind.
Remember the people you care about and let them know how you feel.
As a reminder to reward and congratulate yourself.
It will prompt you to remain flexible and stretch yourself.
Use it to measure your progress and see how far you have come.
Written by Ana Antunes da Silva.
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Did you like this article? Sign up via Email or RSS to get the latest updates on diverse topics.
Written by Ana Antunes da Silva.
Photos provided by Flickr users: Weas Frikis, MonkeyC, kilgorebrian13, Gadl, Travelingtribe, .
Love it! I'm going to jump straight to T for treat I think!
Some good tips! Camomile and honey tea is nice to relax with too
A friend emailed me a link to your blog. He said, “Hey check this blog out, it sounds just like you”, and wow was he ever right. If I didn’t know better I could have sworn I’d written some of these posts myself. Thanks for making me smile today.
Hi Michael. Thanks for your comments. I am delighted you enjoy reading the blog posts. If there is anything you would like to read about please feel free to suggest a topic.
Hey thanks for updating your site, finally I can post a comment! I always read your stuff and just wanted to let you know that it’s awesome.
Hey Burton,
There were indeed some technical issues but they should be resolved now. Thanks for your persistence!
I am so pleased you like my posts! If there is a particular topic that you would like to read about please do let me know.
I look forward to your future comments.
Hey, just stopped by from Bing and wanted to say thanks for posting this astounding content.
Hi Pierre. Welcome. Glad you stopped by and enjoy the posts!
hey, nice blog…really like it and added to bookmarks. keep up with good work
Hi Ashley. Thanks for your comments. If you enjoyed this post, sign up via Email or RSS to make sure you get updates on upcoming articles.
Hey Ana.I chancelly found your website.You are doing great job.Socities need people like you.
All the best
Hi Satbir. Thank you! I really appreciate your comments. Hope you get a chance to go through the other posts. If there is a specific topic you would like to read about, please let me know. Ana