How to deal with difficult colleagues

They say you choose your friends but not your family. Where do colleagues fit it? We spend more time with our work colleagues than we do with our friends or family yet we don’t really have a choice in who they are. You may become friends with some of them, admire a few and consider others decent co-workers. So what happens when day in day out you have to deal with difficult personalities? As with beauty,...

What’s Great about You?

How would you describe yourself? If I were to ask you to list your top 10 best qualities what would you say? “I don’t know” tends to be a common response. We all seem to find it easier to list our faults than our qualities. It is almost as if we haven’t dared asking ourselves “What’s great about me?” You may be waiting in anticipation for me to answer that question. Well maybe not, regardless,...

What makes a Good Manager?

Business management combines an interesting mix of theory and practice. There are numerous studies on various management styles. Then there is also the debate about management versus leadership. More on this in future blogs, yet for now I will leave you with the words of management guru Peter Drucker “Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things.” Do you think you are a good manager?...

9 Simple Ways to Be Happy

What makes people happy? How do you define happiness? Can you measure it? How do you know you have it? If I knew the answers to all of these I would be super happy! I think it is safe to say that happiness is something that everyone searches for yet it seems virtually impossible to define as it so personal. Science has nonetheless provided some interesting research into what makes people happy. Happiness Research Positive...

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